Swiss Organization

FINMA primarily acts as a supervisory authority, whose main task is to monitor compliance with the laws and ordinances issued by Parliament and the Federal Council. Direct regulation by FINMA through its own ordinances and circulars is limited to a rather small number of cases and of a lower rank.
FINMA authorizes companies operating in sectors that fall within the remit of the supervisory authority. In this way, it acts as the "border guard" of the authorized financial market, so to speak. Through its supervisory activity, FINMA ensures compliance by the relevant institutions in accordance with prudential law. All supervisors are required to constantly comply with the authorization conditions. FINMA is also responsible for combating money laundering.

Lugano is the economic capital of Southern Switzerland, strategically located between the metropolitan areas of Milan and Zurich. Set in an exceptional natural context and landscape, Lugano is the ideal place for living and working. The city hosts an important financial center and vibrant pharmaceutical, commodity trading and fashion hubs and remains a sought-after tourist destination.
A university town since 1996, Lugano is home to world class research institutes and infrastructure, including the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) and the Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS). Among the safest cities in the Country, Lugano offers business friendly legislation, great infrastructure and political stability typical of Switzerland, combined with a Mediterranean flair.

Chamber of Commerce
Its purpose is the promotion of trade relations between Switzerland, on the one hand, and the State of Peru, on the other. The representation of the commercial and economic interests of its members in their interstate relations. To promote, together with the competent authorities, commercial activities and exports from Switzerland to the State of Peru.
It can also participate in its members and third-party entrepreneurs in the development of entrepreneurial and commercial activities in the State of Peru and in Switzerland, promoting joint-ventures between the two countries. To seek and promote contacts in the two countries between economic interest groups. To improve the knowledge of the commercial possibilities and of the sufficient and administrative systems between the two countries.
In intervening in everything that may favor the economic and commercial exchange between the due countries, such as mediating any disputes between the parties in relation to bilateral exchanges, general organization of bilateral exchanges, general organization of exchanges, events, publications, symposia and other suitable activities to favor commercial and economic exchange between the two countries.
The association does not pursue a profit-making purpose, however, in order to achieve the social purpose, it can carry out commercial and financial transactions. The association can collaborate or participate in public or private entities with a similar purpose.